acc acupuncture



Ponsonby Wellness Centre,每一位针灸师都是新西兰针灸协会的成员,并且都是被事故赔偿公司 (ACC) 认可的针灸治疗师。 所有针灸师都必须遵守新西兰针灸协会关于ACC的准则。

如果您的病例获得 ACC 批准,您就可以从 Ponsonby Wellness Centre 里ACC认证针灸师那里接受治疗。您不需要由您的医生、理疗师或其他医疗保健专业人士向您推荐针灸师。 您的针灸师可能会建议您使用中草药,但 ACC 不会承担中草药的费用。针灸治疗的疗效可能受到几个因素的影响,包括针刺手法、针刺感觉、穴位处方、病理状态和疼痛种类。


2003 年的《事故赔偿条例》鼓励中医针灸疗法实践用于具有 ACC 隶属关系的个人。根据调研表明,通常因急性损伤而接受针灸治疗的患者,在治疗后感觉平静很多,疼痛也减轻了。

若因受伤处被打石膏或包扎不能针灸,针灸师可在患处上方或下方的穴位进行治疗。 这意味着针灸治疗仍有资格获得事故赔偿公司的人身伤害赔偿。

Ponsonby Wellness Centre是 ACC 批准的中医诊所,使用针灸和中草药来帮助患者治疗缓解疼痛和事故中受伤的康复。

针灸可以有效治疗急性损伤。 此外,越早处理损伤,效果就越好。 早期治疗损伤可能会显着减少愈合所需的时间,因为研究表明针灸可有效减轻炎症和水肿。 因急性损伤而接受针灸治疗的患者除了疼痛减轻外,通常还会报告说在治疗后感觉明显平静了下来。 已经表明,针灸可有效缓解慢性疼痛。 中医认为,体内气的积滞往往是痛苦和疾病的根源。 通过针灸增强气的自由运动,消除阻塞和停滞,这有助于减轻疼痛。

ACC 和 针灸

在您的申请经 ACC 批准后,您就可以自行决定是否进行针灸治疗。对于 ACC 治疗,诊所只会收取部分治疗费,大大降低您的医疗费用。 如果需要获得ACC针灸治疗折扣,请在预约时提供您的有效的ACC-45 号码。



Ponsonby Wellness Centre 为患者精心挑选了该地区最具有丰富临床经验的针灸师。 我们的针灸师是完全合格的,并接受了中医和西医生物医学相结合的培训,他们都是经过ACC 认证的针灸治疗师。 我们鼓励您确认您的针灸师是否已在新西兰两个针灸师监管组织注册,以确保培训质量和能力。

acc acupuncture

At Ponsonby Wellness Centre, each one of Acupuncture NZ’s members and officials is recognized as a treatment provider by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). The ACC Guidelines of Acupuncture NZ must be followed by all members.

You may obtain treatment from a certified acupuncturist at Ponsonby Wellness Centre when the case has been approved by ACC. You do not need to have an acupuncturist recommended to you by your doctor, physiotherapist, or other healthcare professional. Chinese herbs may also be suggested by your doctor, but ACC will not cover their expense. The evaluation of acupuncture’s therapeutic function may be impacted by several variables, including acupuncture manipulation, acupuncture sensation, acupoint prescription, pathological state, and kinds of pain.

Acupuncture for Pain

The Accident Compensation Regulations of 2003 encourage the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture to be used in individuals with ACC affiliation. People who get acupuncture for an acute injury often report feeling much calmer and having less pain after the procedure.

If the injured area is impassable due to a plaster cast or dressing, acupuncture points above and below the afflicted area may be utilized to treat the injury. It implies that acupuncture qualifies for personal injury compensation from the Accident Compensation Corporation.

Acupuncture and herbal remedies are used by Ponsonby Wellness, an ACC-approved treatment provider, to aid with pain management and the rehabilitation of injuries sustained in accidents.

Acute injuries may be effectively treated by acupuncture. Moreover, the quicker the injury is addressed, the better will be the outcome. Early treatment of an injury may significantly reduce the amount of time required for healing since studies have shown that acupuncture is efficient in lowering inflammation and edema. Patients who undergo acupuncture for an acute injury typically also report feeling noticeably calmer following treatment in addition to experiencing less pain. It has been shown that acupuncture is effective in relieving chronic pain. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that stagnation is often the root of pain and illness. The free movement of Qi is encouraged through acupuncture, and blocks and stagnation are removed, which helps to lessen pain.

ACC and Acupuncture

After ACC has approved your claim, you may decide whether to have acupuncture for your injuries. For ACC therapy, the clinic pays a co-payment, which results in a much lower cost to you. To qualify for this discounted rate, provide your current ACC-45 number at the time of appointment for the injury you’re seeking treatment for.

Acupuncture points may be selected above and below the wounded region to treat it if it is immobile owing to a plaster cast or dressing. Acupuncture needles may be used to treat the undamaged side of the body as acupuncture points are located on both sides of the body.

Choice of the Right Acupuncturist

Ponsonby Wellness Centre carefully chooses the most skilled acupuncturists in the area for our patients. Our acupuncturists are fully qualified and combine traditional Chinese medicine and Western biomedical training, and they are accredited ACC Treatment Providers. We encourage you to always confirm that your acupuncturist is registered with one of the two regulatory organizations for acupuncturists in New Zealand to ensure the quality of training and competency.

Ponsonby Wellness Centre
Contact Us

Phone: 021 2159963
57 Sussex St, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021

Opening Hours

Tue- Fri: 10am- 7pm

Sat: 9am-3pm

Sun, Mon - CLOSED