chronic neck pain

Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain is a widespread condition affecting millions worldwide, often leading to discomfort, restricted movement, and a reduced quality of life. Chronic neck pain can result from various factors, including injury, poor posture, stress, or degenerative conditions. Understanding its causes, types, and treatment options, including acupuncture, can help manage symptoms effectively and improve daily functioning.

What is Chronic Neck Pain?

Chronic neck pain is generally defined as pain in the neck region that persists for 12 weeks or longer. The pain can vary in intensity from mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain that radiates to the shoulders, arms, and upper back. It may present as a constant ache, a sharp stabbing sensation, or stiffness that makes it difficult to move the head.

Unlike acute neck pain, which is short-term and caused by injury or sudden strain, chronic neck pain can last from days to years, depending on the cause. The prolonged nature of chronic pain can negatively affect physical function, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

What Leads to Chronic Neck Pain?

Several factors can contribute to the development of chronic neck pain. Most cases stem from issues involving the muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, or vertebrae in the cervical spine (the neck). These structures are complex and vulnerable to wear and tear, injury, and other stressors over time.

Some causes are:

  1. Degenerative disc- when the discs in the cervical spine degrade, causing the disks to lose their cushioning ability, resulting in neck pain. It is also known as osteoarthritis of the spine. 
  2. Cervical spondylosis- when the cartilage between the neck vertebrae wears down, causing pain and stiffness. Sometimes, it may lead to bone spur development, damaging the surrounding nerves and causing pain and discomfort.
  3. Poor posture – is typical now as people adapt to more sedentary (e.g., office) jobs. Poor posture causes excessive strain on the cervical spine and leads to chronic pain. 
  4. Ageing- osteoporosis and arthritis become more likely as people get older; this results in weakened bone support, leading to pain.
  5. Trauma or injury- sometimes serious injury can damage soft tissues, joints or discs in the neck.
  6. Stress and muscle tension- chronic stress leads to muscle tension in the neck and shoulders; this prolonged tension of muscle tightness can cause the neck to be placed in an awkward position and exacerbate pain. 
  7. A herniated disc – is when the disc in the spine bulges or ruptures, exacerbating pressure on nearby nerves and causing pain.  Sometimes, the pain can be radiated from the neck down to the limbs (read more here)
chronic neck pain
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Types of Neck pain

Pain can vary in how it manifests, and understanding the different types is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment. Below are some standard classifications:

·  Mechanical Neck Pain: pain rises from joints, muscles or ligaments in the neck region. This pain worsens with certain movements or prolonged positions, such as sitting. 

·  Neuropathic Neck Pain: pain results from nerve damage or irritation. This can be caused by a herniated disc or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal), which compresses spinal nerves and causes pain.

·  Radicular Pain: when the nerve root in the cervical spine is compressed, causing pain to radiate along the nerve. This pain can be felt in the shoulders, arms and hands. 

Current Treatments

Treating chronic neck pain requires a multidisciplinary approach that may involve medical intervention, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, and complementary therapies like acupuncture. While current treatments for chronic neck pain can be effective for many patients, they each have limitations and potential drawbacks.

  1. Medicationsnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. However, this is associated withch as gastrointestinal problems (ulcers side effects su and bleeding) and kidney and liver tissues. Other pain relief drugs, such as opioids, are associated with addiction and dependence over time, especially in chronic pain management.
  2. Physical Therapy: A trained physical therapist can design a program to improve neck strength, flexibility, and posture. Stretching exercises and modalities like ultrasound or heat therapy can also help relieve symptoms. However, this requires time commitment and regular sessions over an extended period, and the effectiveness of pain relief is dependent on the patient’s level of commitment to the exercise or protocol suggested by the therapist.
  3. Injections: Doctors may recommend steroid injections to reduce inflammation or nerve blocks to target specific pain sources for severe cases. This is associated with potential side effects such as bone weakening and cartilage damage (which may further worsen neck pain).
  4. Surgery: Surgery is rarely necessary for chronic neck pain but may be considered in cases of severe structural damage, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, that does not respond to conservative treatments.

Acupuncture as a Treatment Method for Chronic Neck Pain

Acupuncture has gained popularity over the years to relieve neck pain. The process involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and restore balance in the body’s energy, or Qi.

chronic neck pain

How does it work?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, chronic pain results from imbalances in the flow of Qi. Acupuncture helps restore this flow, reducing pain and promoting overall well-being. From a Western medical perspective, acupuncture is believed to stimulate the nervous system, releasing natural pain-relieving chemicals like endorphins and serotonin.

Studies suggest that acupuncture may be effective for chronic neck pain by:

  • Reducing muscle tension in the neck and shoulders.
  • Improving blood circulation to promote healing in the affected area.
  • Altering pain perception by stimulating nerve pathways, helping to manage chronic pain.

Evidence for Acupuncture in Neck Pain Management

Several clinical studies support the use of acupuncture in managing chronic neck pain.

  1. Meta-analysis showed that acupuncture is beneficial in treating chronic neck pain when followed up for long-term treatment compared to short-term.
  2. Randomised controlled trials show that acupuncture provided sustained pain relief six months post-treatment and improved functional outcomes three months post-treatment.
  3. Acupuncture does release pain-relieving hormones, such as endorphins.

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Herniated disk

Lower back pain

Neck/Shoulder pain 

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