
Service and Price

***Each session course typically includes 5 acupuncture treatments. However, the exact number of sessions required depends on individual condition, treatment response, and expected outcomes. Generally, we will conduct an assessment after the initial course is completed to determine whether further treatment is necessary. This ensures that we can provide you with the most appropriate and effective treatment plan.

The concept behind Acupuncture Augmentation

Acupuncture augmentation encompasses a unique approach within the realm of aesthetic enhancements, focusing on reshaping and enhancing certain body features, such as breasts, buttocks, or facial contours, through the intricate art of acupuncture. Unlike conventional surgical interventions, this methodology harnesses the inherent wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to harmonize energy flow, known as Qi, and promote well-being while concurrently seeking to achieve physical transformation.

At its core, acupuncture augmentation seeks to sculpt and rejuvenate specific areas of the body by strategically stimulating designated acupuncture points. This stimulation is believed to not only promote Qi circulation but also bolster blood flow to the targeted regions. The objective is to encourage the body’s natural regenerative processes, potentially leading to firmer skin, improved muscle tone, and enhanced overall appearance. These benefits are achieved without surgical incisions, making acupuncture augmentation an intriguing alternative for individuals who seek aesthetic improvements without the associated risks of surgical interventions.

The technique’s underlying premise lies in TCM’s holistic understanding of the body as an interconnected system. Acupuncturists meticulously select acupuncture points that correspond to the desired enhancement areas. By inserting fine needles into these points, the practitioner aims to redirect and balance the flow of Qi, which TCM asserts is essential for optimal health and vitality. This nuanced approach acknowledges the potential connections between energy pathways and physical form, lending credence to the idea that harmonizing energy can influence bodily aesthetics.

Before& After

Nose Augmentation

Ponsonby Wellness Centre
Contact Us

Phone: 021 2159963
Email: ponsonbywellness@gmail.com
57 Sussex St, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021

Opening Hours

Tue- Fri: 10am- 7pm

Sat: 9am-3pm

Sun, Mon - CLOSED